Thursday, December 26, 2019

Child Care As It Has Always Been in The Common Sense...

Initially published in 1845 by Dr. Benjamin Spock, The Common Sense Guide to Baby and Child Care revolutionized parenting, and thus, the upbringing of an entire generation and those following. As society changed, new editions of the original handbook emerged to fit the lifestyle of the current population. Dr. Spock wrote seven editions of The Common Sense Guide to Baby and Child Care alongside a prestigious pediatrician, Steven Parker, before his death in 1998. I read the ninth addition of the manual, revised by pediatrician Dr. Robert Needleman, which includes modern-day ideas such as eating disorders in teenagers and applying to college. Prior to the first section of the manual, Dr. Spock speaks about the challenges of parenthood:†¦show more content†¦Physical developments of an infant as they grow are discussed, including the ability to walk. According to Dr. Spock, a child should receive plenty of social interaction so they can grow into a â€Å"people person;† th is can hold much relevance to the course since the United States continued to grow and maintain balance through compromises, like the Compromise of 1850. On the other hand, several diseases and conditions an infant may face and ways to deal with them are presented in detail. I would recommend never giving a child medication that has not been cleared by a doctor beforehand. Toddlers are between the ages of one and two. At this stage, children start to become more independent and outgoing, feeling adventurous (but only in the presence of their parents). They have a fear of separation and are weary of strangers. Furthermore, nap time become less frequent; their nutrition changes as well, with the introduction of cow’s milk and simple finger foods. The â€Å"terrible twos† is â€Å"actually a terrific time,† through imitation, communication, imagination, and playing. Children become more anxious about being separated from their parents, but also negative and will di splay more than a few temper tantrums. Preschoolers, ages

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Separating Charged Molecules For Identifying A Wide Range...

Cassandra Maddux CHE 451L-02 August 26, 2014 Electrophoresis Introduction Separating charged molecules is an important practice in Biochemistry for identifying a wide range of data fields. Separating molecules allows for information like size, binding affinity, and charge to be obtained.5 One technique that is used to separate charge molecules is gel electrophoresis. This technique forces the suspended charged molecules through a porous gel matrix by use of an electrical current that separates the molecules according to their physical properties, such as charge, size.1,2,3 It was first observed by Ferdinand Frederic Reuss in 1807. He observed that when an electrical current was applied, clay molecules in water would begin to migrate.6 Samples are placed in wells on the gel. A buffer is added, commonly salt water, to act as a conduit for the electrical current. As the electric current is applied, the samples begin to move through the gel depending on the contained molecule’s properties; positively charged particles will move towards the cathode and negatively charged particles will move to the anode.2 Compounds with greater charge or low mass will move through the gel matrix quicker and further. As the samples move, they create lanes of bands that can then be compared to a standard, also known at a ladder. The thickness of each band is indicates quantity of each compound contained in the sample. The height of each band shows the size of each molecule in the sample.4Show MoreRelatedSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words   |  143 Pagesmethod consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.Scientific researchers propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimentalstudies to test these hypotheses. Steps in the Scientific Method 1. Define the question 2. Gather information and resources (observe) 3. Form hypothesis 4. Perform experiment and collect data 5. Analyze data 6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serveRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 PagesLimited 2011 Lecturers adopting the main text are permitted to download and photocopy the manual as required. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies around the world. Visit us on the World Wide Web at: ---------------------------------This edition published 2011  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 The rights of Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes to be identified as the authors of this work have been assertedRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesstrategies and planning for the future in the wake of a global shock. Amazon (A) – long term planning of a successful Jordan – the challenge of building capabilities for success in Formula 1. Shefï ¬ eld Theatres – strategy formulation for a wide audience of public and commercial stakeholders. Fisons – disastrous consequences of stakeholder management. Iona – Mission-driven strategy and stakeholder management. HomeCo – wrestling with governance and strategy in the boar droom; a role play. BMWRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagestheir products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whetten, David A. (David Allred) Developing management skills /David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.—8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Management—-Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Discuss the Role Utterson Plays in the Novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde free essay sample

The book â€Å"Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† was written during the Victorian era in Britain so many of the themes and characters are based on society in these times. Such as, men should appear respectable and to do this they repress many of their desires and enjoyments. This links strongly to Utterson as he has repressed many things about his character. For example, in the book it says â€Å"drank gin when he was alone, to mortify the taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years.† This is linked to the themes of duality of man and repressed desires as he would enjoy himself by drinking wine and going to the theatre, but this wouldn’t make him look as respectable to the public so he supresses these desires. In the book, Utterson comes across as a very serious man; however he is trustworthy and definitely likeable as it says â€Å"cold, scanty, and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow loveable. † This description implies that he looks quite boring and finds it hard to express emotion which is quite ironic as his job as a lawyer as it involves dealing with lots of people. Also, as he is a lawyer, it proves that he is quite trustworthy and professional as he must deal with important papers and many of his friends and acquaintances feel comfortable with sharing some of the secret with him. This links to the theme of secrecy throughout the novel. One reason why people trust him so much might be that he does not feel the need to ask questions and pry into people’s business, however later in the book, he does play detective around Dr Jekyll’s life as he is worried about his friend and is suspicious of Edward Hyde. As he is a lawyer, this makes his role in the book quite important as he will be linked to many different people through his job. He also treats everyone equally and does not judge anyone. I know this as it says â€Å"he had an approved tolerance of others.† This is then later contrasted in the book, when he first meets Edward Hyde as he almost immediately takes a disliking to the man as it says â€Å"the hitherto disgust, loathing and fear with which Mr Utterson regarded him.† This shows that the original statement of â€Å"he had an approved tolerance of others† is false as he regards Hyde with a sense of hatred. This could also be because Hyde is pure evil and detestable to everyone that sees him. Utterson is linked to all of the important characters in this book as he is the lawyer and friend to most of them. He seems to only talk to those that are a higher class or more respectable which he has known since childhood or his family that also seem to be upper class. This shows that he isn’t very sociable with new people and is comfortable with his old friendships with Dr Jekyll and Dr Lanyon. Also, servants seem to respect and obey him and Poole, Jekyll’s butler seems to trust him with important issues to do with his master as in the chapter â€Å"The Last Night† Poole goes to Utterson with his worries about Jekyll. I know that Poole respects and trusts Lanyon as he says â€Å"I don’t like it, sir- I wish I may die if I like it. Mr Utterson, sir, I’m afraid.† As Poole, repeats the word â€Å"sir† when he talks to Utterson which shows that he is professional when talking to Utterson and understands Uttersons importance in society , however, he must trust and know Utterson well as he would not tell a stranger his fears about his master. As many people trust Utterson, it allows him to be involved in many aspects of this novel and know mostly about what happens whilst he is not around. Utterson’s role in the Novel is a very important one, as in the paragraph above it explains how many people trust Utterson and this allows him to know about a lot of the events that happen, if he is involved or not. Even though he does not tend to pry, many people still talk to him about the events around Hyde and Jekyll. This makes Utterson a good narrator of the book as by writing it in his view it gives the reader knowledge about most of the events in the book, whilst still allowing Stevenson to build a sense of mystery around Hyde. It also gives the reader the opportunity to share the characters fear and confusion and see different people’s reaction to Hyde. Utterson also takes up the role of detective in the novel as he helps to solve the Carew murder case and investigates Hyde after his worries grow about him and Jekyll. I know this as it says â€Å"’If he be Mr Hyde,’ he had thought, ‘I shall be Mr Seek.’† This shows that he is suspicious of Hyde and his intentions and will contradict his original decision not to pry into people’s business. This also shows that he cares for Jekyll and does not wish any harm to come to him. I also think that Utterson’s role in the novel was to represent the men in the Victorian era and how they had to repress their desires and live the way they were expected to instead of how they would like to. Overall I think the way Stevenson used Utterson to tell the story was very effective as it increases how scary the book is as Utterson was involved enough for there to be a story but not involved enough to give everything away. I also think that it was effective how he did it from Lanyon’s and Jekyll’s points of view as it allowed Stevenson to fill in the blanks on some of the events and who Edward Hyde actually is. It also allowed Stevenson to show how Jekyll and Lanyon were also feeling. This was good as throughout the book, it did not talk much about how Jekyll was reacting to Hyde or how much he began to struggle with controlling Hyde. It also gave us a bit of information about where Hyde came from and what happened before the book.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Theorists and philosophers

Theorists and philosophers have been in existence since time immemorial. Some have successfully led the world abreast by coining very useful philosophies and are renowned to this day and age while some theories have been disputed and challenged over time.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Theorists and philosophers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the famous philosophers and theorists of our generation who will be keenly looked at in this paper is Manuel Castells, the Spanish sociologist who is most credited for his major works in information society and communications research. Harold Innis is the Canadian professor who is most remembered for his works in communications theories. His works are considered to be in very difficult prose but nonetheless scholars view him as one of the most original Canadian thinkers who ever lived. Jà ¼rgen Habermas, the German philosopher is renowned for his philosophical work s particularly in social theory and communication. Finally there is Karl Marx the German political theorist and philosopher whose works revolutionised 19th century affairs in Germany. This paper will essentially look into the relationship between democracy, information, technology and society by comparing and contrasting the works of the four mentioned above. Harold Innis in his staples thesis is of the view that a society is developed as a result of what is common between all people. He claims that Canada came into being as a result of trade in basic commodities with Europe. It was through this trading that Canada’s cultural links with Europe were cemented. Harold attributes the development of strong institutions in Canada to the trade relations that were developed with the larger Europe region (â€Å"Harold Innis and the Staples Theory†, 2011). Karl Marx and Manuel Castells both are ardent respondents and believers of the European climate in which a complexity of inf luences is assumed to be the contextual background. They both react to social change in which their consecutive countries are overtaken by conservative forces. In this case Germany was overtaken by imperialists whereas Spain was under the influence of the fascist for a long period of time. In both these countries the conservative forces are similar in that they reduce the social freedom of their times through the triad of media forms, government controls and industry control. These were situated alongside other countries in Europe who were experiencing revolutions. The difference in both their views emerges in their interests, which are reveled from the concepts of society that they both proposed. Castells is more interested in developing an informationalist societal system where the authorities focus more on technological paradigm which Castells refers to as informalism.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15 % OFF Learn More It is a society that bases its fundamental workings on the capacity of the human mind to process information made as a result of discoveries occurring in the modern world. It also incorporates the use of genetic engineering technology and implementation of microelectronics. According to Castell’s, age has never been a technological matter, it is a matter of social transformation. It is a process of social change in which technology is inseparable from the social, economic, cultural as well as political trends (Castells, 2004). Karl Marx on the other hand came up with the Marxism concept of society. The Marxist view is both socio-political and economic and contains political ideologies which when incorporated, help tell details on how society can be improved by socialism (â€Å"What is Marxism†, 2011). Jà ¼rgen Habermas is of the view that technological knowledge can infiltrate down into the self-understanding of a certain social group. He is of the opinion that technological knowledge is best communicated through literature in order to filter to the social world (Rizvi, 2008). This view is different from Castell’s who is of the opinion that technological advancement is the best way to push forward the world. According to him exploiting the abilities of the human mind by the use technological resources will help the world move in leaps and bounds. It is thus safe to say that Jà ¼rgen is more for the literal view whereas Castell’s is more action oriented in terms of technology. In terms of information Jà ¼rgen is of the view that information is only useful when exploited for either productive and developmental matters or disparaging matters. It is only this way that its radical uses can be fully accepted and the results appreciated in the real life world. He gives the example of the Hiroshima bomb in Japan and says the poems that were written as a result of that destructive bomb, arose as a reaction to the event and not from the discrete elaboration of the whole process, of transforming mass into energy which is far more matriculate (Rizvi, 2008). He holds this opinion with Castell. Castell believes that information is only as useful as it is disseminated to the eminent users of the particular piece of information (Castells, 2004). Karl Marx was also of a similar opinion as this other two theorists. He believed that the reason the working class were oppressed is as a result of their dire lack of information which was hidden from them by the superiors to further facilitate there exploitation. He says in the Marxist theory that by concealing information the superiors were able to retain their superiority and hence went on oppressing the workers. Thus information is the absolute weapon of control used by the superiors showing how important information is (â€Å"What is Marxism†, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Theorists and philosophers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In conclusion, this paper has tried to give the different views of the four theorists. There variant viewpoints aid the reader in understanding the difference as well as similarities between those key terms. All the four theorists are brought out to be individuals of variant opinion on all the four subjects which in essence serves to reveal the individuality in each of the four of them. An individual reading this paper is able to understand the difference between these terms as has been displayed from the collection of the works of the writers. It comes out clear from this paper that all the four individuals hold a similar view on information. References Castells, M. (2004). Information, Networks and the network society: A theoretical blueprint. Citeseer. Web. â€Å"Harold Innis and staples theory†. (2011). History RFD. Web. Rizvi, A. (2008). Marcuse or Harbermas: Two critiques of technology.  Habermasian reflections. Web. â€Å"What is Marxism?† (2011). All about philosophy. Web. This essay on Theorists and philosophers was written and submitted by user Kara Stanton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free sample - Alexamara Marine Group Case database management. translation missing

Alexamara Marine Group Case database management. Alexamara Marine Group Case database managementNormalization Normalization defines simple rules that ensure that a database is structured in the best way possible. it ensures that no data is unnecessarily duplicated .This means that no data is held in no more than one table. This is called duplication anomalies. It also ensures that the database has consistency (Date, 2006). The most important thing about normalization is that it allows the user to perform all types of queries which out errors. 1st Normal Formal Form (CategoryNum , Category Description ServiceID , SlipID, Description, CategoryNum, Status, EstHours ,SpentHours ,NextServiceDate). This is table in the first normal form. It has already been normalized from the 0nf because it has a primary key(Date, 2006). The table is in the first normal form (NF1) because it contains no repeating attributes or group of attributes. 2nd Normal Formal Form (CategoryNum , CategoryDescription ServiceID , SlipID, CategoryNum, Status, EstHours ,SpentHours ,NextServiceDate). This table is in second normal form because it is in first normal form and has no partial key dependency. It also means that there is no column that is not part of a primary key is dependent on only portion of the primary key. Â  Functional dependencies in Marina (Marina Num, Name, (Slip Num, Length, Rental Fee, Boat Name)) The functional dependencies are one is to many because marina can have many slips Marina Slip (Slip ID, Marina Num, Slip Num, Length, Rental Fee, Boat Name, Boat Type, Owner Num, Last Name, First Name) To convert this to third normal form one need to test non key dependency . A table in 3NF optimizes the way of holding data with no attributes being duplicated anywhere. Work cited Date, C. (2006) What First Normal Form Really Means in Date on Database: Writings 2000- 2006: New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 127-128.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Geographic and Historical Facts About London, England

Geographic and Historical Facts About London, England The City of London, the capital of the United Kingdom as well as England, is the countrys most populous. It is also one of the largest urban areas in Western  Europe. The citys history goes back to Roman times when it was called Londinium. Remnants of Londons ancient history are still visible today, as the citys historic core is still surrounded by its medieval boundaries.Today London is one of the worlds largest financial centers and is home to 100 of Europes top 250 largest companies. It also has a strong governmental function as it is the home of the United Kingdoms Parliament. Education, media, fashion, arts, and other cultural activities are also prevalent in the city. It is a major world tourist destination, features four UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and was host to the 1908, 1948, and 2012 Summer Olympics.The following is a list of the 10 most important things to know about the city of London:1) It is believed that the first permanent settlement in present-day London was a R oman one in around 43 BCE. It lasted for only 17 years, however, as it was eventually raided and destroyed. The city was rebuilt, and by the second century, Roman London or Londinium had a population of more than 60,000 people.2) Starting in the second century, London passed through the control of various groups, but by 1300 the city had a highly organized governmental structure and a population of more than 100,000. In the centuries following, London continued to grow and became a European cultural center because of writers such as William Shakespeare. The city became a large seaport.3) In the 17th century, London lost one-fifth of its population in the Great Plague. Around the same time, much of the city was destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666. Rebuilding took more than 10 years and since then, the city has grown.4) Like many European cities, London was highly affected by World War II,  especially after the Blitz and other German bombings killed more than 30,000 London residents and destroyed a large part of the city. The 1948 Summer Olympics were then held at Wembley Stadium as the rest of the city rebuilt.5) As of 2016, London had a population of 8.8 million, or 13 percent of the UK population, and a crowded average population density of more than 14,000 people per square mile (5,405/sq km). This population is a diverse mix of various cultures and religions, and more than 300 languages are spoken in the city.6) The Greater London region covers a total area of 607 square miles (1,572 sq km). The London Metropolitan Region, however, contains 3,236 square miles (8,382 sq km).7) The main topographical feature of London is the Thames River, which crosses the city from the east to the southwest. The Thames has many tributaries, most of which are now underground as they flow through London. The Thames is also a tidal river, and London is thus vulnerable to flooding. Because of this, a barrier called the Thames River Barrier has been built across the river.8) Londons climate is considered temperate mar itime, and the city generally has moderate temperatures. The average summer high temperature is around 70–75 F (21–24 C). Winters can be cold, but because of the urban heat island, London itself does not regularly receive significant snowfall. The average winter high temperature in London is 41–46 F (5–8 C).9) Along with New York City and Tokyo, London is one of the three command centers for the worlds economy. The largest industry in London is finance, but professional services, media such as the BBC, and tourism are also large industries in the city. After Paris, London is the worlds second most visited city by tourists, and it attracted more than 30 million international visitors in 2017.10) London is home to various universities and colleges and has a student population of around 372,000. London is a world research center, and the University of London is the largest teaching university in Europe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English - Research Paper Example Seeking happiness means setting achievable standards mentally and striving to reach such position regardless of the situation one is. Therefore, I believe that the achievement of happiness is independent of one’s health or wealth, but these can act to impede or make it hard for one to achieve happiness. At the point of starting to be happy, a decision has to be made albeit mentally that the person wishes to achieve happiness. The happiness to be achieved can be attached to the achievement of something else such as a degree or it can be attached to nothing. At times when the happiness is attached to something, the thing that happiness is attached is usually something that a person seeking happiness knows or feels that it will give him contentment. When the achievement of happiness is not attached to the achievement of something else, the person still has to fight emotional battles in order to reach a position of happiness. The standard that one has set to cause happiness depends on the upbringing of the person and also the experiences that a person has to pass through to where he is. Inexperienced persons, and those who did not lack anything in life have a high expectation on happiness and are usually unhappy and discouraged when they do not achieve the standards they have set. Thos e people who have had stricter experiences in life, or those who have had a chance to interact with challenged people in society usually have lesser standards of happiness, and value those things which cannot be bought in life such as good health. A person who has ever been admitted or who has fallen sick because of chronic conditions will appreciate the concept of good health and will be happier when in good health than other people at similar health. It is entirely upon someone to decide that they want to be happy, and happiness is a very subjective matter, and what

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Materials in Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Materials in Engineering - Essay Example Practicing engineers have to understand the specific characteristics of these materials in order to make the most appropriate selection for the job on hand. Engineering materials are of many types – metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), plastics, polymers, ceramics, glass, cement etc. The most extensively used materials for engineering are of course metals followed by cement, plastics and ceramics. Different engineering disciplines like mechanical, civil, electrical, space engineering, electronics etc. have to use these materials for building their intended products. Such products operate or exist in a vast variety of situations, and it is this variety that determines which materials are to be used where. The selection of materials poses a problem, given the different situations and the vast array of available materials. To confront this problem and make the most appropriate selection, design engineers have to match the application needs to the characteristics of the materials. A defined set of load conditions may demand completely different materials depending upon the application of the item – e.g., in surface transport vehicles, ocean going liners or in space crafts. Design engineers select materials, depending upon their properties and suitability for the intended purpose. This is because, while the stresses and strains may be similar, the behavior of the material in the different situations can be completely different. A normal structural steel (like St 42W) may be quite suitable for a railroad car in Latin America, but is unsuitable in cold regions like Russia, where it may be subject to temperature variations of +35 to -35 deg. Celsius. A ferritic stainless steel may be unsuitable in space engineering while the same may be quite adequate for kitchen utensils. Or to cite another example, electronic components used in TV sets are specifically tropicalized for suitability of operation in hot countries. Thus, it is essential to understand the vast variety of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What Lies on the Other Side Essay Example for Free

What Lies on the Other Side Essay Imagine looking out to the other side wondering how life goes on in a different world. Mexican citizens often wonder that same thought. Some Mexicans would like to share a piece of the American dream. The only issue at hand though, is whether the citizens of Mexico cross United States Borders legally or illegally. Illegal immigration has become an ever growing problem, adding to the United States debt and causing controversy nationwide. The issue at hand occurs for numerous reasons, although a few are a direct reason why illegal immigration occurs. One main and probable cause for illegal immigration can be accounted for by the introduction of The North American Free Trade Agreement. Illegal Immigration exploded after the 1994 passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which removed tariffs on American farm products imported into Mexico. As a result Mexican farmers could not compete with U.S agribusiness and were forced to find other ways to earn a living. (Dvorak 99) Due to lack of work and pressure to earn a living many were forced to find and alternate and quick way of living. Some chose local jobs, others legal immigration and for the desperate risking their own lives and safety for a better life illegal immigration. Illegal immigration was not always a common occurrence. Before 1960 the number of illegal immigrants entering the country was not well known and never emerged as a major issue (Dvorak 99). This connection proves that years ago illegal immigration was a mere spot on the United States map. Today however, the problem at hand is an ever growing issue. Not only is illegal immigration increasing but puts stress upon the American economy and job market. The effects of illegal immigration in the United States, as well as other countries, provides a vivid view about how illegal immigration effects economics and job market of the country in which illegal immigration takes place. Persons in the United States often talk about the millions without work, but in some cases â€Å"millions of illegals continue to flood into the  United States, competing for scarce U.S. jobs† (Katel). Due to increased competition illegal immigration causes legal citizens to start reaching out to their government and demanding things be done to solve the issue. Some citizens even go as far as to try and take the issue into their own hands. Illegal immigration does not only take away job opportunities but also governmental funds, which in turn is the peoples’ money. One must pay taxes in order to fund ones way of life. Illegals, although some do pay taxes, cause U.S. government funds to deplete. †¦an average low skill illegal immigrant household received $30,160 in direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education, and population-based services from all levels of government, while paying only $10, 573 in taxes. (Greenley) Taxes are a major contributing factor for the awareness of illegal immigration. Taxes are such a factor because the legal citizens pay into the government and receive things in return such as education, but the money is also given to those who do not pay for aid or not enough. Taxes and the job market are two major issues the United States faces, but the money the United States spends to combat and control the issues is also a major determining factor. â€Å"Last year 438,997 people were apprehended by the U.S. border Patrol in Tuscon sector for illegally entering the United States† (Nussbaum). The issue is not the fact of the apprehensions, but the money that is spent in order to apprehend. It is said that billions of dollars are spent annually keeping the issue at bay. In order continue, the war on immigration, the federal government and local government must work together. The federal government may spend the most counteracting illegal immigration, but things must be done at a state level as well as a local level. One major state that has seen some of the most seismic illegal activity is Arizona. Arizona â€Å"America’s most porous border is a 262-mile stretch, from the New Mexico state line to near Yuma† (Nussbaum). Illegal immigration causes the state to spend not only money but time and effort to clean up issues that have evolved from illegal immigration. Many are without jobs and with border crossing also causes drug issues. Without jobs people pay no taxes and rely on government aid. The U.S. battle with illegal immigration adds up, on average a single border state spends millions to defend against their border problems (Nussbaum). The States that participate in the war on illegal  immigration pay a hefty price for the safety and security of not only their citizens but the countries as well. There are many ways the citizens of the United States with the governments help can halt or drastically slow illegal immigration from happening at all. The United States was built upon immigration. The United States has one of the most diverse if not the most collaboration of people. â€Å"The United States accepts 200,000 immigrants legally each year, more than the rest of the world put together† (Katel). The immigrants excepted by the United States have gone through all the right criteria in order to become a U.S. citizen. Unlike illegals they have made a life fairly and promote good competition and add to The United States’ ever growing society. For those who come legally it is not just to put them through all of the work to become a citizen while illegals do none of the United States’ criteria to become a citizen. One of the best ways one can try to alter the odds in the United States favor of stopping illegal immigration is â€Å"ending birth right citizenship for children of illegal immigrants† (Greenley). In order for this to occur, congress and the people must vote upon what is to happen. By ending birthright citizenship causes less to leave Mexico. Another way one can try and put a stop to illegal immigration is â€Å"preventing the hiring of illegal immigrants† (Greenley). Possibilities open up, such as no green cards and less competition in the job market. Prevention of hiring illegals also causes less to come because many are in search of work but can no longer do so due to their illegal status. There are still many pending issues and problem solving tactics being thought of everyday but no one is certain what the outcome may be. Illegal immigration to this day is a growing problem, causing United States debt to rise and national controversy over the dispute of what to do about the issue. All countries around the world experience illegal immigration. Mexico may be the United States worst culprit; however Mexico is not the only country to have citizens crossing illegally across the border. The only certain idea is the uncertainty of the future between the United States and Mexico’s relations between immigration. Works Cited Dvorak, William. Five. Immigration in the United States. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 2009. 360-398. Print. Greenley, Larry. How to Fix Illegal Immigration. new american 24.5 (2008): 15-18. SIRS. Web. 4 Sept. 2013. Katel, Peter. Illegal Immirgation. CQ Researcher 15 .17 (2005): 393-420. Print. Nussbaum, Paul. The Border Wars: Drawing Lines in the Sand. Philadelphia Inquirer 30 Apr. 2006, sec. A1+: n.p.. SIRS. Web. 4 Sept. 2013.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Samuel Sewall :: essays research papers

Sewall’s Relationship with Family   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Samuel Sewall lived a very Puritan life in early colonial Boston. As a man who cared deeply for his religion and his family, Sewall dearly loved his family and viewed their good and poor health as God’s reward or punishment. He did not, however, simply attend to his family to satisfy what he believed was God’s will. Rising rapidly to a position of prominence in society, Sewall was blessed with money and a close relationship with his wife and children. He aided them individually through illnesses, moral dilemmas, and he guided them through the mourning process after any deaths in the family, though he himself suffered most. Samuel Sewall’s relationship with his family was one of close ties and a strong religious orientation; they prayed and read together from the Bible daily which in turn allowed them to grow closer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sewall loved his wife Hannah very dearly, and over the years the two of them produced fourteen children, only nine of which lived beyond a year. Of these remaining nine, six had died within sixteen years between 1690 and 1716, and Sewall suffered greatly but did his best to atone for the sins he believed had caused these disasters. He also made efforts to follow up what he saw as signs from God for him to act. In one entry, Sewall described a dream he had in which his wife Hannah died. In the dream he finds that â€Å"the death occurred in part because of my neglect and want of love† (Sewall 77). Upon waking up in the morning, Sewall embraces his wife and interprets the dream as God’s request that he pay more attention to his wife. She was Sewall’s foundation in life; he loved her dearly and would do whatever it took to keep her happy. The hardest blow for Sewall came when Hannah died in 1717. â€Å"Lord help me to learn; and be a Sun and Shield to me, now so much of my Comfort and Defense are taken away† (Sewall 4). Sewall lived according to Puritan belief in that he viewed the deaths of family as punishment for his faults. â€Å"The Lord pardon all my sin, and wandering and neglect, and sanctify to me this singular affliction† (Sewall 148). Sewall suggests in his diary that the rapid succession of deaths of his children around the late 1690’s and early 1700’s was punishment for his participation in the Salem witch trials.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Customer Service and Company Essay

1. Is it easy to become enamored with a company when it has enjoyed so much success over the years? What are Wal-Mart’s weaknesses? Becoming enamored with a company should not depend on the amount of success it may or may not have had. I like a company that I can stand behind and support. The question isn’t whether a company is successful or not, it should be how did the company get to the level of success it is at. Wal-Mart’s name has recently been synonymous with controversy. Wal-Mart’s founder was known for his charismatic style, emphasis on customer service, and high esteem for Wal-Mart employees; however it can be argued that none of these exist within the company today. From personal experience, I can attest that there is no longer an emphasis on customer service, and employee morale is low. The company also has a negative corporate image amongst potential customers partially due to the controversy around the treatment of employees and the conditions under which many of their products are manufactured. Because of these factors, it is difficult for me to become enamored over a company who has had as much success as they have had. 2. Does Wal-Mart’s new neighborhood store format run counter to the cost-cutting emphasis that is at least partially responsible for the success of its traditional stores? Explain. Wal-Mart’s new neighborhood store format do not run counter to the cost-cutting emphasis responsible for the success of its traditional stores. Wal-Mart still offers the same low cost products at these neighborhood stores, with the only difference being they offer groceries in addition to their other low cost products. This new store format makes it more convenient for customers in the vicinity to shop at their stores versus local mom and pop shops offering products at higher costs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Healthy: Nutrition and Correct Relax Method Essay

People do different things to stay healthy. Personally, I think that three ways to be healthy are to do exercise regularly, eat moderately and relax correctly. To begin with, doing exercise regularly is very important so as to maintain a healthy condition. If you activate your body regularly, such as doing exercise every early morning or play sport at weekend, you will become both well-built and healthier. All poisonous substances are given out. that will clear your body, strengthen your bone, tone up your muscle and so forth. Next, a balanced diet is also crucial. in modern life, people have to do lots of things, so they usually run out of energy and work up an appetite at the end of day. Therefore, they need to be supplied the foods that must be both mutritious and balanced to recover and refill energy for a new day. A diet should include high fiber, high protein, lots of vegetable, cut down on fat and keep off smoking and drinking too much. Finally, you have a correct relax method. Especially, you must sleep at least 8 hours per day and shouldn’t stay up late. You should read, sometimes, joke stories; watch comedies or tell jokes with your friends and family because smiling is a dramatic method that help healthier. To sum up , health is a priceless gift of oneself. As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. For wise people, they always know how to do stay healthy. For me, three indispensale things are to activate the body, eat scientifically and refresh wisely.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Health Problems in Pregnancy Associated with Coccaine Essay Example

The Health Problems in Pregnancy Associated with Coccaine Essay Example The Health Problems in Pregnancy Associated with Coccaine Paper The Health Problems in Pregnancy Associated with Coccaine Paper There are many health problems that are known to be associated with the use of cocaine. They include heart rhythm disturbances, heart attacks, respiratory issues, chest pain, neurological effects, seizures, headaches, strokes, stomach pain, upset and nausea and sometimes death(COCAINE focusas. com/Cocaine. html). The impact of cocaine use during pregnancy cannot be ignored as the above issues pass through the placenta to the fetus, but there is also a risk of lowered IQ in the child who was exposed to cocaine during gestation. MONITORS There are several measures in place to help those addicted to cocaine to stop using the drug during pregnancy. Some of those include legal monitoring through a court order, social workers and mentors. All of these measures can be effective depending on the willingness of the participant and the attitude of the monitor. The attitude of the person monitoring the expectant mother can have a positive or a negative impact on the outcome. If the monitor has a positive, upbeat attitude that conveys a WE can do it attitude, the mother will be less apt to feel that she is being treated like an addict who is beneath society. She will be more apt to feel that it is a team effort and that everyone involved cares not only about the health and safety of her unborn child but also cares about her health and safety. Making a pregnant woman feel that the only concern is about the baby and that she is of little consequence can further damage an already fragile self esteem which can lead to cravings to get high and numb the pain. It is important to create a team atmosphere and attitude so that the mother feels she is part of the solution and not just the problem. The use of urinary testing as a monitor can be highly effective if the mother understands that it is to help her get past the cravings for the drug. In addition, the knowledge that she is putting her baby at risk for being placed in foster care following birth if she fails the screenings may assist her in overcoming or getting past craving the drug. Mandatory drug screens for newborn babies should be implemented for every baby, not just those who have known drug using mothers. It should be as simple and mandatory as other tests and procedures performed on newborns. This is a tool that can have a positive impact as it creates a data base for programs to get in touch with mothers whose babies came back with a positive result. It is not necessary to instantly remove any baby with a positive result but an immediate social service referral can be implemented and that can have an early intervention impact on the newborns life and success rate. CONCLUSION? Cocaine is a drug that can be highly addictive and can be harmful to an unborn baby. Few women consciously want to hurt their babies. They often need help and monitoring with their addiction to insure that they stay away from the drug during the gestational phase of pregnancy and delivery. It is important to have a team attitude so the mother believes she is part of the solution and not the problem if the monitoring is going to work.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The 4 Different Types of Financial Aid Expert Guide

The 4 Different Types of Financial Aid Expert Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are so many different types of financial aid out there, with some serving you better than others. This guide will demystify everything you need to know about the types of aid available to students. I’ll start with the various options available to you and include examples that you can check out for yourself. Then, I’ll tell you exactly where and how you can get your hands on this financial aid money. Finally, I’ll explain which types of aid you should take advantage of - and which types you should stay away from. Let's get started! What Are the Different Types of Financial Aid? Tackling financial aid can be overwhelming, but you might be relieved to know that there are only a few different types of aid out there. Once you get the basic info on each category of aid, you’ll be much better informed when it comes to getting the most (and the best) funding. The main differentiating factors between each aid category are: How you get the money Why you get the money Whether you have to pay the money back Here are the main aid types you should know about before you start looking for funding for college: Grants Grants are monetary awards that are typically based on financial need. If you receive a grant, you don’t have to repay the money at any point. Example: Pell Grant Loans Loans are sums of money that you borrow and then pay back on a monthly basis after you graduate. In addition to the original amount that you borrow (the principle), you’ll also be responsible for paying back an extra percentage of the loan amount (interest). Examples: Direct loans (subsidized and unsubsidized), Stafford loan, Perkins loan, Private loan Scholarships Scholarships are monetary awards similar to grants - you don’t have to pay them back at any point. Unlike grants, however; they’re often based on factors other than financial need, although need may be taken into account. Ultimately, scholarship eligibility can be based on almost anything depending on the goals of the person or entity that’s funding the scholarship. To give you some examples, here are some student characteristics that many scholarship programs tend to look for in their applicants: Strong academic records Volunteer experience Particular ethnic background Artistic skill Sports prowess Entrepreneurial interests Political ambitions Career goals Some combination of the above Examples: Gates Millennium, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Tylenol, Florida Bright Futures, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Minority scholarships Work-Study A work-study award is a type of need-based â€Å"self-help† financial aid in the form of a wage subsidy. Ultimately, it’s meant to help students get jobs (especially on campus) because the subsidy makes the students less expensive for certain employers to hire. Some student jobs only hire people who have work-study awards. The work-study award pays for part of your hourly salary, and your employer pays the rest. You only â€Å"get† the money if you get a student job, and you don’t get any extra funding on top of your salary. The average work-study award is about $1,500, but the annual maximum tops out at $7,000. Check out our guide to the federal work study program to learn more. A student job might not be the most exciting way to get financial aid, but it can come with some perks. What Are the Most Important Sources of Financial Aid? Although there are only a few types of aid, funding for school can come from a bunch of different sources. The way you go about getting aid depends, of course, on where the money’s coming from. The main sources of student aid in the US are the federal government, state governments, the schools themselves, private organizations, and banks. Here, I’ll break down how you’d go about getting aid funding from each of these sources. Federal Financial Aid Types of aid given:Grants, loans, and work-study Aid eligibilitycriteria:There are quite a few eligibility criteria when it comes to accessing federal student aid. Although they may seem complicated, most of them aren’t hard to meet - the big things are that you have to have a high school diploma or GED, and you have to be accepted to a degree or certificate program. To make sure you meet all the necessary eligibility criteria, read our comprehensive guide to getting federal financial aid. How to apply:You apply for federal aid with theFree Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. You only have to submit this one application in order to be considered for any and all forms of federal aid. You can even estimate your aid eligibility before you submit your FAFSA if you’re interested in knowing beforehand how much (and what types) of aid you’re likely to be awarded by using the FAFSA4caster. Examples: Pell Grant, federal loans State Financial Aid Different states have their own protocols, budgets, and eligibility criteria when it comes to state-based financial aid. Some states may use the FAFSA whereas others may have their own processes for determining aid eligibility (like Florida). You'll have to do your own research on your state of residency. Read moreabout state financial aid optionshere. Aid From Your School Types of aid given: Primarily grants and scholarships, sometimes loans Aid eligibility criteria:Some schools offer only need-based financial aid in the form of grants. If you get into the school, then you’re automatically eligible for need-based aid as determined by the school’s financial aid policies. The most generousfinancial aid policies are often based solely on need. Some schools offer need-based and merit-based financial aid. Eligibility criteria for merit-based scholarships might depend on your GPA, standardized test scores, or sports performance. How to apply:Many schools use the FAFSA to determine eligibility for need-based financial aid. Schools automatically get your FAFSA info if you list them on your application. Your college applications will also often serve as an automatic scholarship application - the admissions or financial aid office will offer scholarships to particularly competitive students in order to persuade them to attend that school. Some school-based scholarships have separate applications, however. I’d encourage you to check out theschool’s financial aid website (or contact theirfinancial aid officer) if you have questions about additional scholarship opportunities that might be available. Aid FromPrivate Organizations or Nonprofits Types of aid given: Primarily scholarships and grants Aid eligibility criteria:Eligibility criteria varies widely based on the type of student that each scholarship or grant program is targeting. The most common criteria centers around US citizenship and academic performance, but check out the scholarships listed earlierfor more examples. How to apply:There are some umbrella organizations where one application will allow you to beconsidered for multiple scholarships (e.g. the Hispanic Scholarship Fund). Most of the time, though, you have to submit a separate application for each scholarship program that you’re interested in. Often there’s overlap in what information scholarship applications ask for, so you may be able to recycle parts of your applications (like essays, for example). Examples:Check out our lists of top scholarships for high school juniors and seniors Aid From Banks and Financial Institutions Types of aid given:This is where you go if you need access to private loans Aid eligibility criteria:This will vary based on which institution you go to and how much money you’re looking to take out. Basically, you'll have to show that you’re responsible and reliable so that banks trust that you’ll pay themoney back. You can do this with a good credit history. The problem is that most young people don’t really have a credit history, which means that most students who want to take out private loans need someone else (usually a parent) with good credit to cosign on the loan. How to apply:You’d have to work directly with a bank to apply forthe student loans you hope to take out. It involves submitting personal and financial information to the financial institution. For more information, check out our step-by-step guide to getting a student loan. What Are the Best Types of Financial Aid? What Are the Worst? Although all of the above forms of financial aid can help you pay for school, not all of them come with the same perks and benefits. There are some types of aid that’ll serve you better in the long run. I’ve organized categories of aid into tiers, with Tier 1 being the most desirable and Tier 3 being the least desirable. You should pursue aid in this order - seek out Tier 1 aid first before filling any gaps with Tier 2 and 3. Think of your financial aid options like tiers on a really delicious cake: you shouldn't start cutting just anywhere! Tier 1: Grants and Scholarships Grants and scholarships are the most desirable forms of financial aid because they come in the form of free money, often with no strings attached. Some grants and scholarships are applied right to your bill - you often see this with federal and school-based aid. When this happens you don't actually see the money - you just see a lower (or even non-existent) bill. Other grants and scholarships are given directly to you. This means you have more freedom with how the money's spent, but it also means you haveto be responsible with money management. Ultimately, it's best to apply grant and scholarship money to academic bills first before using funds to pay for other things. Tier 2: Federal Loans and Federal Work Study Tier 2 offers some solid options for students and families who still need to cover costs after looking into grants and scholarships. These options don’t come in the form of â€Å"free† money, but that doesn’t mean they don’t come with some benefits. Federal Loans You have to pay federal loansback, so they’re obviously not as desirable as grants or scholarships. That being said, federal loans can come with perks that you won’t find with any other borrowing options. Many federal loan options come with competitive interest rates, lengthygrace periods, options for forgiveness or cancellation, and flexible repayment plans. If you have to borrow money, borrow federal loans first before turning to any private lenders. Work Study With a work study award, you don’t have to borrow any money at all. You do, however, have to get a job in order to see any cash. The good news is that the money you earn is yours to spend or save as you see fit. Check out our guide to the federal work study program to learn more. Tier 3: Private Loans You should only look into private loans if you can’t cover your expenses after getting as much Tier 1 and Tier 2 money as possible. You can borrow responsibly with private loans, but borrowing terms tend to be less favorable than what you’d see with federal loans. First, it'spretty much necessary to have a cosigner on a private loan if you don’t have a credit history - this means that someone else is on the hook for your debt if you're unable to pay back what you borrow. They don't comewithoptions for loan cancellation or forgiveness. Finally,private loans tend to have higher interest rates than federal loans because they're not subsidized. The bottom line: you ending up paying more in the long run with private loans than with other forms of financial aid. Final Thoughts: Paying for College Responsibly The average sticker price for a college education is pretty high these days - too high for the typical student to take on by herself. As a result, most US college students relies heavily on financial aid to help fund their education. Sometimes, it’s a bit too easy to take out large amounts of student loans (especially private loans) to cover high college expenses. Although this investment can pay off in the long run for some students, student loans can turn into a frustrating burden for many others. It’s important to take a long-term perspective when considering student loan options. For example, you may want to ask yourselfthe following: How much do you anticipate making after graduation, given your career goals? How much would your total monthly payment (principle + interest) be for all your loans after you graduate? Could you afford to make this monthly payment after covering all anticipated living expenses? Before you take on large student loans, talk to potential cosigners, parents, and guardians. Finally, it would be wise to get the perspective of a trusted college counselor orfinancial advisor before committing to paying back large sums of money. People with this type of experience may be able to point you in the rightdirection when it comes to paying for your education. "Paying for college responsibly" is code for "not taking out more loans than you can handle." What's Next? Now that you've covered the basics, you can start thinking strategically about how to budget for a college education. You might want to begin by learning about how, when, and why to save for college. After that, you should check out our complete guide to covering your college expenses. Knowing how to apply for financial aid is an important part of covering college expenses, of course. Maybe you have more complicated challenges ahead of you. If so, you might want to read more about how to pay for college without parents' help andhow to pay for college without loans. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Feedback and Student Motivation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Feedback and Student Motivation - Research Paper Example This is so because when the students get the right feedback, they realize that their hard work has been acknowledged and appreciated by the teacher whereas their wrong behaviors have been discouraged or condemned. Every student knows what behaviors and attitudes are appreciable and which are considered bad in the educational setting. When the teacher’s assessment coincides with the students’ expectations, students realize that the teacher does encourage the right behaviors and discourages the wrong behaviors. So in an attempt to improve their performance, they exactly know on what lines they have to work. This in turn motivates the students to execute the right behaviors that include but are not limited to working hard, submitting assignments on time, behaving well in the class, and maintaining discipline into the class. Intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation is driven by an individual’s personal interest in an activity. The intrinsic m otivation is spurred by an individual’s personality or behavior rather than external pressure. The intrinsically motivated students are willingly involved in the activities. They have an internal locus of control and are aware that they can control their grades if they want. Intrinsic motivation fundamentally comes from confidence. ... -internalized extrinsic motivation refers to the engagement in an activity for which people have accepted the personal relevance for their own self† (Mouratidis et al., 2008, p. 241). Extrinsic motivation in an activity comes from external influences to obtain a desired outcome. Common sources of external motivation include but are not limited to money, and higher position. Extrinsic rewards cause overjustification as well as a reduction in the intrinsic motivation. Feedback methods A teacher can use different kinds of feedback methods for the students and each feedback method has a different kind of effect on the students’ motivat ion i.e. the effect can be intrinsically motivating or extrinsically motivating. The three feedback methods are as follows: Praise Teachers should tell the students what they did well. For example, the teacher should tell the students, â€Å"Your essay was the best because†¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"I was impressed by your approach† etc. Praise makes the students aware of what behaviors are appreciated by the teacher and what is qualified as a praiseworthy performance. Praise has an intrinsic motivating effect on the students because all students want to be praised. â€Å"[P]raise fosters intrinsic motivation and adaptive behaviors to a greater extent when it is perceived as informational as opposed to controlling† (Corpus, Ogle, and Love-Geiger, 2006, p. 335). Criticism This is the opposite of praise but has a similar effect on students’ motivation as medals have. In criticism, the teacher gives feedback by criticizing the wrong work. For example, â€Å"I was ver y disappointed with the way the paragraph was ended† etc. This feedback motivates students to do good so that they are not criticized.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Social Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Construction - Essay Example On the other hand, contemporary post structuralist perspective even goes to the extent to deny the very possibility of such an agency or authorship as it was clearly asserted in the famous assertion by Rolland Barthes that 'The Author is Dead'. Rather than posing the arguments on the agency of the social construction of reality by contesting schools against each other, the paper intends to examine the postulate of each school based on its own 'internal validity'. Here, it is important to note that social constructionism as an academic school is much diverse in itself. In other words, considering the internal stratifications within the social constructionist 'movement', it is particularly impossible to delineate a single essential position of social constructionism. Berger and Luckmann (1967) are of the view that consciousness of human beings is always intentional. They argue that it is nothing but intentionality makes the human consciousness so distinct. Therefore, in their analysis, a well-construed notion of intentionality remains central. Here, consciousness is not necessarily considered as being part of either "an external physical world or an inward subjective reality" (Berger and Luckmann, 1967, p.26). Reality is diverse in itself. What is deemed as reality involves different spheres. The different spheres of reality are constituted by different objects. The existence of multiple realities is the defining characteristic of the conscious of the world. To exemplify, the reality of people in dreams and the reality of people in the factories are equally realities. It is believed to be normal and self-evident. The reality of everyday life is the only reality that is of par excellence. The tensions at the level of consciousness are fully expre ssed only at this level of reality. The reality of everyday life is ordered in specific ways. The style of ordering of a particular reality would determine its essence. Reality is nothing but objectification events in day to day life in a structured manner. In the social construction of reality, Berger and Luckmann (1967) see the important role of language as the supreme co-ordinates of life. Common sense too is a constituent factor of reality as based on it people generally interact with each other in everyday life situations. In other words, everyday life has normal and self-evident routines which are shared by people from the standpoint of commonsense knowledge. The reality of everyday life is not only constituted but also constructed by social interactions. Face-to-face is the most real form of the construct of social interactions. One's subjectivity is particular to oneself. Social relations are highly flexible. The better knowledge of multiple social realities could be achieve d through reflection. Therefore, Berger and Luckmann (1967) refer at the social construction of reality as a process through which individuals produce and reproduce the world through social interactions.The very existence of human beings, for Berger and Luckmann, is essentially linked to language. They forcefully argue that the social world and its complexities cannot be understood

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Not Your Dream Team Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Not Your Dream Team - Assignment Example The first stage is formation where the team members will come together with the aim of fulfilling a goal. The second is the storming stage where each member is struggling for his or her ideas to be heard and therefore marked by chaos and conflicts. The third stage is the norming stage where now the members come to know each other and start accepting each other’s ideas. The next is the performing stage where the group now focuses on achieving the goal and hence no conflict at this stage. Finally, having achieved its purpose, the group adjourns. 2. Mallory joined Think Link as assistant marketing manager for new products; two software programs were being designed to help high school students learn algebra and geometry. Murray’s manager is Lin Chen (marketing manager). Other members on the cross-functional development team with her are Todd Schlotsky (senior programmer); Sean Traynor (vice-president for marketing); Joyce Rothman (a former high school teacher who co-founded Think Link; she works only part-time in the company); and Harlow Gray (educational consultant). In this paragraph, the bases of power are mentioned and this will determine the decisions made in the organization. Sean for example is the Vice president and he has therefore the most authority in the company based on the positional power he is holding. The decisions Sean will make will therefore not be contested or argued with as a result of his prestigious position in the organization. Sean holds legitimate power due to his position as the vice-president, Lin and Todd and Mallory hold expert power as a result of their knowledge in their different fields. Mallory, Joyce and Harlow also hold referent power due to their ability to be consulted by others in different places. Sean also holds coercive power which is portrayed later when he fires Lin. The above team also hold reward power which they use to give bonus on software. 3. After her first week on the job, Mallory was considering qu itting. â€Å"These people are so opinionated and competitive,† she complained. Sean, Joyce and Harlow, in Mallory’s opinion, don’t listen to anyone’s ideas at team meetings; they only talk about their concerns. â€Å"Sean thinks his rank entitles him to make all the decisions in the team. Joyce thinks her opinions should carry more weight because she was instrumental in creating the company. And Harlow views everyone as less knowledgeable than he is and discounts their information as â€Å"out-of-date†, because he consults with the â€Å"outside† – other software firms and school districts. Lin, who is supposed to have the leadership role in this team, is passive and quiet. While he sends out agendas, and organizes meetings, people ignore him at the meeting; when he is speaking, people interrupt him or talk over him. He appears to avoid all the conflict and lack of progress by rushing off to another meeting. The team didn’t a ccomplish any agenda items at the first meeting I was at.† When a group is forming, it undergoes several stages and the hardest and most challenging one is the storming stage where every member wants his or her opinion to be taken into consideration. This is exactly the stage this group is in where the members are not willing to listen to each other’

Monday, October 28, 2019

The History Of Tobacco History Essay

The History Of Tobacco History Essay The drought finally ended and Jamestown turned a corner. A new cash crop was introduced to Virginia which brought prosperity and a path into the future. John Rolfe is credited with being the man who introduced tobacco to America. Tobacco has a long history in the Americas. The Mayan Indians of Mexico carved drawings in stone showing tobacco use. These drawings date back to somewhere between 600 to 900 A.D. Tobacco was grown by American Indians before the Europeans came from England, Spain, France, and Italy to North America. Native Americans smoked tobacco through a pipe for special religious and medical purposes. Tobacco was the first crop grown for money in North America. In 1612 John Rolfe and the settlers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop. It was their main source of money. Other cash crops were corn, cotton, wheat, sugar, and soya beans. Tobacco helped pay for the American Revolution against England. Also, the first President of the U.S. grew tobacco. Ralph Hamor, Secretary of Virginia, reported that Rolfe planted the first tobacco seeds that he obtained from somewhere in the Caribbean, I may not forget the gentleman worthie of much commendations, which first tooke the pains to make triall thereof, his name Mr. John Rolfe, Anno Domini 1612, partly for the love he hath a long time borne unto it, and partly to raise commodity to the adventurers. He crossed the Caribbean breed with the indigenous tobacco to produce a plant well adapted to the local soil. Rolfe gave some tobacco from his crop to friends to make triall of, and they agreed that the new leaf had smoked pleasant, sweete and strong. Rolfes first crop that was shipped to London compared favorably with the Spanish product. The colony prospered and called for women to come to Jamestown and marry the settlers. It became a boomtown and people come in droves to America. While tobacco brought the colonists prosperity, it had a dark side from the beginning. It required a great deal of labor and so created the conditions in which slavery would later flourish. Tobacco would determine Virginias future. John Rolfe was an earlier American settler. His date of birth is unknown, but he was baptized on 6 May 1585 and came to the Colonies in 1610. He was one of many settlers sent by the Virginia Company of London, charged with finding ways to make the New World profitable, and in this assignment Rolfe was wildly successful: The native Virginia variety of tobacco, Nicotiana rustica, had been deemed too bitter for English customers tastes, but in about 1612 Rolfe imported and began cultivating Caribbean tobacco, Nicotiana Tabacum. Ever since, tobacco has been the regions dominant crop. His first wife died en route to the colonies, and Rolfe later married the Native Princess Pocahontas, who had been kidnapped and converted to Christianity. He returned to England with her, where they met with King James I and Sir Walter Raleigh and were greeted across England as celebrity-curiosities. Tragically, she contracted a disease for which she had no genetic immunity smallpox, some say, or pneumonia and died within months. Rolfe, now twice widowed, returned to Virginia where he served in several colonial administrative posts and married a third time. During a 1622 battle with Natives, his home was destroyed, and Rolfe is presumed to have perished, though his body was never found.Through Thomas Rolfe, his son with Pocahontas, Rolfes progeny extends through many generations of Virginias most prominent families, including the Bollings, Randolphs, and First Lady Edith Wilson. The social stature of these families necessitated the insertion of a specific clause in Virginia later laws against miscegeny, defining fourth- and subsequent generation descendants of Native Americans as legally White. Prices for tobacco began to drop because every person had their own farms in their backyards where they couldve planted their own set of tobacco. Alth ough military discipline almost certainly helped motivate the Jamestown settlers to work, tobacco is what eventually saved the colony. In 1612 an Englishman named John Rolfe introduced a mild strain of tobacco that was perfect for smoking. Suddenly the plant was in demand and could make huge profits, and this provided motivation for settlers to work. Unfortunately, the high profit margin encouraged many to grow tobacco for sale rather than plant food to feed the colony. One farmer could grow about one or two thousand plants, which made about five hundred pounds of tobacco. This brought a profit of between  £25 and  £200 per year (farmers in England earned about  £3 profit per year). The promise of huge profits led to a flood of tobacco in the market. By 1629, the bottom dropped out of the tobacco market because of overproduction. The early years of tobacco production were challenging because labor was scarce in Jamestown, and tobacco was a very labor-intensive crop. Many peopl e planted the crop by using sticks to make a small hole in the ground and placing seeds down the hole. Many settlers lived along rivers and streams so the harvested crop could be transported easily. Eventually, many planters recognized the need for an alternative source of labor for the crop in order to maximize profits. One solution for a desperately needed labor force was indentured servitude. Indentured servants usually received passage to the New World in exchange for four or five years of service, although this was later extended to seven years. At the end of service, servants were supposed to receive their freedom and a gift-usually clothes and tools and sometimes a small section of land. The owners of indentured servants did receive some benefits-specifically something called a headright (fifty acres of land for each head or servant bought) as well as cheap labor. Indentured servants could typically travel to Jamestown for less than  £12 per servant. Those who needed labore rs usually attempted to get English servants first, but the system was also extended to include the Irish, a group viewed as less civilized than the English and more like the savage American Indians. Common characteristics of indentured servants can be seen by viewing the populations statistics. More men than women came to the New World as indentured servants. Women were outnumbered four to one and made up only 20 percent of the servant population. Women were not allowed to marry while a servant, so many became pregnant out of wedlock. Some pregnant women escaped servitude while others had to add two years to their term of service. There was almost no incentive to keep indentured servants well fed or healthy, so many servants were mistreated. Some owners bought and sold indentured servants even though this was illegal, and some servants complained of being treated as slaves. As the need for labor increased, many planters began to shift from working indentured servants to owning slav es. Slavery was introduced into Jamestown in 1619, when about twenty Africans were brought to Virginia, along with about ninety Englishwomen. According to the ship log, Africans were sold as indentured servants for food. The women on the ship were purchased with 120 pounds of tobacco and most quickly became settlers wives. Although the word slave was not used yet to refer to Africans, evidence shows that they were not allowed their freedom after a term of service as the European indentured servants were. Therefore, many historians consider these twenty Africans to be the first slaves in what later became the United States. Since there was no incentive to keep indentured servants well fed or healthy, the number of Europeans who would agree to the terms dropped significantly. Some owners bought and sold indentured servants, and some servants complained of being treated as slaves. Planters turned from servants to African slaves because fewer indentured servants would sign on to work fo r a full contract. Many indentured servants tried to escape before their term of service expired. By the year 1618, Virginia produced 20,000 pounds of tobacco. Nine years later they produced over 500,000 pounds of it, and then two more years after they produced over 1,500,000 pounds of it. Each Virginian got 50 acres for themselves whose passage they paid. Rolfe was a very smart guy, the reason I said this is because even though he promised them freedom dues after working over 5 to 7 years, deep down inside he knew that only 1 out of 10 of those slaves would outlive the contract. They were all forbidden to get married. Even though tobacco is what really had put Virginia on the map. By the 1800s, many people had begun using small amounts of tobacco. Some chewed it. Others smoked it occasionally in a pipe, or they hand-rolled a cigarette or cigar. On the average, people smoked about 40 cigarettes a year. The first commercial cigarettes were made in 1865 by Washington Duke on his 300-acre farm in Raleigh, North Carolina. His hand-rolled cigarettes were sold to soldiers at the end of the Civil War. It was not until James Bonsack invented the cigarette-making machine in 1881 that cigarette smoking became widespread. Bonsacks cigarette machine could make 120,000 cigarettes a day. He went into business with Washington Dukes son, James Buck Duke. They built a factory and made 10 million cigarettes their first year and about one billion cigarettes five years later. The first brand of cigarettes were packaged in a box with baseball cards and were called Duke of Durham. Buck Duke and his father started the first tobacco company in the U.S. They named it the American Tobac co Company. The American Tobacco Company was the largest and most powerful tobacco company until the early 1900s. Several companies were making cigarettes by the early 1900s. In 1902 Philip Morris company came out with its Marlboro brand. They were selling their cigarettes mainly to men. Everything changed during World War I (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45). Soldiers overseas were given free cigarettes every day. At home production increased and cigarettes were being marketed to women too. More than any other war, World War II brought more independence for women. Many of them went to work and started smoking for the first time while their husbands were away. By 1944 cigarette production was up to 300 billion a year. Service men received about 75% of all cigarettes produced. The wars were good for the tobacco industry. Since WW II, there have been six giant cigarette companies in the U.S. They are Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, American Brands, Lorillard, Brown Williamson, and Li ggett Myers (now called the Brooke Group). They make millions of dollars selling cigarettes in the U.S. and all over the world. In 1964 the Surgeon General of the U.S. (the chief doctor for the country) wrote a report about the dangers of cigarette smoking. He said that the nicotine and tar in cigarettes cause lung cancer. In 1965 the Congress of the U.S. passed the Cigarette Labelling and Advertising Act. It said that every cigarette pack must have a warning label on its side stating Cigarettes may be hazardous to your health. By the 1980s, the tobacco companies had come out with new brands of cigarettes with lower amounts of tar and nicotine and improved filters to keep their customers buying and to help reduce their fears. The early 1980s were called the tar wars because tobacco companies competed aggressively to make over 100 low tar and ultra low tar cigarettes. Each company made and sold many different brands of cigarettes. In 1984 Congress passed another law called the Compr ehensive Smoking Education Act. It said that the cigarette companies every three months had to change the warning labels on cigarette packs. It created four different labels for the companies to rotate. Since the 1980s, federal, state, local governments, and private companies have begun taking actions to restrict cigarette smoking in public places. The warning labels were the first step. Tobacco companies cannot advertise cigarettes on television or radio. It is against a law that was passed by Congress in 1971. Many cities across the U.S. do not allow smoking in public buildings and restaurants. Since 1990, airlines have not allowed smoking on airplane flights in the U.S. that are six hours or less. State taxes on cigarettes have increased. As it becomes more difficult for tobacco companies to sell their products in the U.S., they are looking outside. U.S. tobacco companies are now growing tobacco in Africa, South America (Brazil and Paraguay), India, Pakistan, the Phillipines, Gre ece, Thailand, and the Dominican Republic. Fifty percent (50%) of the sales of U.S. tobacco companies go to Asian countries, such as Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, the Phillipines, and Taiwan. Where Im from in the Bahamas we have many people who use tobacco for their reasons but most of everyone use it to calm their nerves. Nowadays, even young teenagers smoke cigarettes or other type of drugs. Economics deals with the making and selling of products and services to consumers. Products are things like chewing tobacco, cigarettes, televisions, houses, and cars. Services include medical care, education, and insurance. Consumers are the people like ourselves who buy or receive the products and services. The U.S. has a capitalist economic system. Under this system, one or more people get together and form a company to make and sell something. They do this to make money. The money that they make after paying off their bills or expenses is called profit. In other words, a profit is the m oney they have for themselves after paying rent, salaries, utility bills (electricity, gas, telephone) and buying machines/computers and any other equipment they need to make their product and run their business. When companies sell more than they spend, they make a profit. Selling their products to other countries is called exporting. The product that is sold is called an export. Buying from other countries is called importing, and what U.S. companies buy is called an import. For example, if Ford Motor Company buys steel from Japan to make a car, it is importing a product. Steel is the import. When Ford sells its cars to Brazil, it is exporting. Cars are the exports. When companies or governments export more than they import, they have a trade surplus. A trade surplus is another way of saying a profit. On the other hand, when they import more than they export, they have a trade deficit. A deficit means a debt or money owed to someone else. Throughout history, tobacco companies have had a trade surplus. That is one big reason why they have been important to the economy of the U.S. In 1992 the tobacco industry reported a $5.65 billion dollar trade surplus. In the first half of 1992, tobacco exports were $2 billion more than imports. The taxes that the tobacco companies pay provide a lot of money for the U.S. government. In 1992, Philip Morris alone paid $4.5 billion in taxes. This makes it the largest tax payer in the U.S. The making or manufacturing of cigarettes is almost completely automated. It is done by machines without people. Machines crush and clean tobacco leaves and add chemicals like nicotine. They also roll cigarettes, put on filters, cut them to length, and then package them. All of the six U.S. companies producing cigarettes are large and powerful. They are so strong that not even all the medical reports of the health dangers of smoking and all the laws restricting smoking and advertising have been able to weaken them. They are still able to make big profits by buying up other non-tobacco companies in the U.S. and by selling and making cigarettes outside the country. For example, Philip Morris bought Miller Beer and Kraft General Foods, and R.J. Reynolds bought the Nabisco Food Group and General Entertainment Corporation. The U.S. government and the tobacco companies help each other. Since 1964 all the Surgeon Generals of the U.S. have talked and written about the health dangers of cigarettes. Still, cigarettes are made, advertised, and sold. The tobacco industry gives thousands of dollars to help cover the costs of political campaigns of people running for political office. These are people who want to be elected or reelected as Senators, Representatives, Vice-President, and President. In turn the politicians help the tobacco industry. One way politicians help is continuing the tobacco price support system. Under the price support system, tobacco can only be grown on a certain number of government-approved farms. The gover nment gives farms special, low interest loans to help cover the costs of growing tobacco. The U.S. Department of Agriculture allows a certain amount of tobacco to be grown each year. This is called a quota. It also sets a minimum price for tobacco. When the farmer takes his/her tobacco to the market, any tobacco not sold one cent above the government price is bought by grower cooperatives and stored to be sold another year. Tobacco products are products made entirely or partly of leaf tobacco as raw material, which are intended to be smoked, sucked, chewed or snuffed. All contain the highly addictive psychoactive ingredient, nicotine. Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Despite this, it is common throughout the world. A number of countries have legislation restricting tobacco advertising, and regulating who can buy and use tobacco products, and where people can smoke. What Im about to explain to you are some of the effects tobacco can cause to your body and they are, Tobacco stains your teeth and gives you bad breath. Tobacco ruins some of your taste buds, so you wont be able to taste your favorite foods as well. Tobacco causes bleeding gums (gum disease) and cancers of the mouth and throat. When you smoke it also increases your heart rate and blood pressure and causes heart disease and heart attacks. If you try to do activities like exercise or play sports, your heart has to work harder to keep up. Smokers have trouble breathing because smoking damages the lungs. If you have asthma, you can have more frequent a nd more serious attacks. Smoking causes a lot of coughing with phlegm (mucous).Tobacco can cause emphysema (lung disease) and lung cancer. Smoking causes dry, yellow skin and wrinkles. The smell sticks to your skin. Less blood and oxygen flows to your muscles, which causes them to hurt more when you exercise or play sports. These are some of the effects that tobacco does to you and your body. Tobacco is very addictive, it starts out as something they try just to try or do it through peer pressure. They usually start out with something not as strong like red man or beechnut because regular dip will make you sick the first time you try it. From there they usually go to pouches and when the buzz is too weak from that they use regular dip, then they are hooked. The nicotine craving from there is hard to overcome. A lot of people who work outside like to dip because when you get used to the buzz it feels amazing. It is really relaxing, That is also why you see a lot of major league baseb all players who dip especially when they are hitting.. it keeps them nice and relaxed. Dip is a simple tobacco product that you can chew. Tobacco Company gave away about 2 billion cigarettes to our troops abroad. Back then the negative effects of tobacco on peoples health were largely unknown. Nicotine masks fatigue and hunger, also help focus thoughts and provides a calming effect. It was largely thought nicotine also caused a heightened sense of awareness thus making one a better soldier. Many people also like the taste and aroma of burning tobacco. Its also noted that nicotine helps with the symptoms of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, in fact many mental health programs give free cigarettes to their patients, both as an incentive to attend and because of the calming effects. Unfortunately nicotine is highly addictive and is also a carcinogen. You know before WWI lung cancer was so rare doctors often traveled across country to get a glimpse at a case. Nationwide there was some thing like 11 cases per year, not the case anymore though. I advise no one to do drug unless its for health reasons. Many children and teens use cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco because their friends do. Movies and TV shows can make smoking seem attractive. Teens, especially girls, often use smoking to try to control their weight. Teens may think that smoking is a way to look more mature, independent, and self-confident to their peers. They may smoke to rebel against their parents. Most teens do not know how addictive cigarettes are. Peers may persuade teenagers and even younger children to try tobacco. Even if they do not try verbally to influence another person, simply using tobacco around young people can motivate them to mimic the behavior. Only because they want to fit in, or seem more mature than they really are, they try using tobacco. When teenagers or younger people first begin using tobacco, it is easy to limit usage. They may only use it during parties or when ar ound friends who use tobacco. They may believe that tobacco is not addictive for them and that they can continue to control their use indefinitely. Little that they know is nicotine is very addictive, and eventually they will likely become addicted as well. Nicotine is a nitrogen-containing chemical an alkaloid, which is made by several types of plants, including the tobacco plant. Nicotine is also produced synthetically. The type of nicotine found in tobacco plants, comes from the nightshade family. Red peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and potatoes are examples of the nightshade family. Apart from being a substance found in tobacco products, nicotine is also an antiherbivore chemical, specifically for the elimination of insects it used to be extensively used as an insecticide. When humans, mammals and most other types of animals are exposed to nicotine, it increases their heart rate, heart muscle oxygen consumption rate, and heart stroke volume these are known as pharmacologic effect s. I advise every single person, stay far away from anything that has nicotine in it, most products that do have that in it is tobacco which isnt good for neither you nor your body.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Stephen King Essay -- essays research papers

The Master Of Malice   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It starts with this: put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around† states Stephen King in his book On Writing (94). Stephen King is a world-renowned author for his works in horror fiction, fiction, cinema and television. He has published more than forty novels and written nine screenplays (Adams 1). Stephen King draws a great deal of his inspiration from his surroundings, his job and his life experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947. Stephen came as a surprise to his parents, Nellie Ruth and Pillsbury King. Mrs. King was told she would never conceive. The couple had adopted a son, David, Stephen’s older brother. When Stephen was just a toddler his parents divorced. Nellie moved Stephen and David to Indiana for a short time then to Connecticut. At the age of twelve, Stephen’s small family moved back to Maine (Stephen 1-2).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stephen showed an interest in writing at a young age. When he was growing up his brother would allow Stephen to write articles for â€Å"Dave’s Rag†, his brothers independently published newspaper (Full Biography 2). Throughout his childhood he would read articles from horror comics and become inspired. He began to write short stories and sell them to his mother’s friends for a nickel (King On Writing 15). Stephen graduated from Lisbon Falls High School where he was sought after to be on the newspaper staff. Stephen sold his first professional story to Starting Mystery Stories in 1967 (Stephen 1-2).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stephen King met his wife, Tabitha, while attending the University of Maine at Orono. Tabitha and Stephen were married in January of 1971. The couple lived in a small apartment; their only source of income was Stephen’s salary as a laborer at an industrial laundry. In the fall of 1971, Stephen began teaching sophomore English in Hampden Maine and working on short stories on the evenings and weekends. In 1973, his first novel Carrie was published. Not long after that his second novel ‘Salam’s Lot was published. With the money made from the two novels Stephen and Tabith... ...e natural talent (Adams 2-3). King believes that a strong desire to write is what fuels brilliant story telling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Write what you like, then imbue it with life and make it unique by blending in your own personal knowledge of life, friendship, relationships, sex and work† (King On Writing 157). Stephen King is the 2003 recipient of The National Book Foundation Medal For Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. He is also the world’s best selling novelist (Stephen 2). When Stephen is not writing he spends his time playing guitar in a rock band called â€Å"Rock Bottom Remainders† (Full Biography 5). The way King parallels his life with his writing without making it seem like every story is a biography is amazing. His stories are compelling and inspiring. â€Å"These are just interests which have grown out of my life and thoughts, out of my experiences as a boy and a man, out of my roles as a husband, a father, a writer and a lover† (King 208). Stephen King is a phenomenal author who has written many classics of the twenty-first century. He has cleverly told the world about himself and his life through his immortal words.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Medieval and Renaissance Art Essay

The most significant difference between medieval and renaissance art is that renaissance art paid more attention to the human body, and to detail. Both, however, focused mainly on religious themes, although not necessarily Christian. Renaissance artists are remembered because they brought about the changes that led to the art of today. When looking at medieval art, such as â€Å"The Notary of Perugia Writing a Document† it is quite obvious that very little attention to detail is included. There is no depth to the painting, the writing on the parchment bares no resemblance to actual text, and everyone in the picture has the same face. In contrast, when looking at a renaissance painting, like Christ the Redeemer by Titian quite a bit more attention is given to detail, even though the scene does not encompass nearly as much. It is possible to see shadowing in the painting, as well as to the behavior of fabrics. There is also a good feel of depth with much attention paid not only to making a nice background, but separating it from the foreground as well. There are many similarities in the two styles; they are, after all, separated by a short period in history. One similarity might be a choice of colors, as the most visually appealing color combinations had yet to be discovered. Another similarity would be the lack of understanding of how to accurately represent the human body, as this was considered sinful by the church; Leonardo di Vinci did began to change this with some of his works though. The short period in time left similarities between the styles of art, but they were few, far between, and diminished fast. Renaissance artists put forth much greater effort into these works and it really shows in the quality, rather then the quantity produced.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bio Ecological Model of Human Development Essay

The bio ecological model of human development has four basic systems. The four basic systems are macrosystems, exosystems, microsystems, and mesosystems. I will summarize the four systems and how the influences have on a child’s development. I will describe how the four systems in the model differ from oneother. I will provide examples of the four systems of their relationships and interactions with one another. A microsystem: a relationship and activity that experienced by a developed person in immediate environments like family, school, peer group, community and media. Family provides affection, nurturance, and opportunities. School is a formal learning environment. Peer groups help with experiences in independences, companionship, support, cooperation, and a role to take. Community helps children learn how to do by watching people work. Media helps provided the view of the world. Mesosystem: an interrelationship and linkage between two or more person in a microsystem that compromise of connections between immediate environments likes a child’s home and school. The impact on a child depends on the number of interrelationships. Exosystem: a setting that children do not participate, but it does affect one of their microsystems. Read more:Â  Factors that influence child develop Also, their external environmental setting indirectly affects the development like a parent’s workplace. An example: a low-income family would have to get food stamps, Medicaid, and or TANF. My family is part of this system because my family gets food stamps and Medicaid. We had to fight for the help though. Macrosystem: a society and subculture that belongs to a developing person with certain beliefs, lifestyles, interactions, and changes in their live that consist of a larger cultural context of national economy, political culture, and subculture. Examples of macrosystems are family planning services and affordability of contraceptives which can influence teen pregnancy and birth rates. Young women are taking to the Planned Parenthood in their area to get birth control pills to prevent teenage pregnancy. According to Hall; there are two classifications of macrosystems; low and high context. Low-context macrosystem concise of progress, practicality, competition, and rationality. Examples: communication and relationships of social and natural environment. High-context macrosystem are concise of group identity, tradition, intuitiveness, and emotionality. Example of high-context macrosystem is adaptively. The ecological model’s most basic unit of analysis in the microsystem is the immediate settings, including role relationships and activities. Microsystem mostly of the family, but as they grow and are exposed to day care, preschool classes, and neighborhood playmates, the system becomes more complex. Microsystems are dynamic contexts for development because of the bi-directional influences individuals impart on each other. Many micro-level determinants of health affecting early child development investigated and proposed. Factors like nutrition, shelter, hygiene, stimulation, support, attachment, and parenting style, investigated and correlated with later outcomes. The relative quality and/or quantity can have either positive or negative effects on health. On a practical level, the amount of parent involvement in the child’s education related to children’s educational achievement (Canadian Council on Social Development, 1997), and the specific language and cultural practices of the family, such as the amount of time spent reading together (Bus, van IJzendoorn, & Pellegrini, 1995) can have effects on the development of individual capacities. Similarly, family arrangement, constitution, and the amount of contact with extended family can affect child development through the kinds of interactive opportunities these arrangements provide (Hernandez, 1997). There are also two of the most important factors of children’s social functioning are parents’ psychiatric health and marital status. These two factors explain much of the variability in children’s social and emotional competence (Goodman, Brogan, Lynch, & Fielding, 1993; Kershner & Cohen, 1992; Kochanska & Kuczynski, 1991; Miller, Cowan, Cowan, Hetherington, & Clingempeel, 1993). The risk factors associated with behavioral and emotional disorders in children linked to parental variables such as single parenthood, marital separation, young motherhood, poor family relations, and maternal mental health symptoms (Sameroff & Fiese, 2000; Williams, Anderson, McGee, & Silva, 1990). The presence of one or more of these risk factors compounds the risk for poor social functioning of children. The mesosystem: the second of Bronfenbrenner’s environmental layers, and refers to the interrelationships among different microsystem levels, such as home, school, and peer group settings. For instance, what happens at home influences at school and in turn what are in the school environment will likely influence family interactions? Specifically, parents’ involvement within the school in conjunction with teachers’ involvement with families represent mesosystem functioning. In addition, the community expected to affect distal family processes, and a family’s ability to provide the necessary support for their child. He will also focus on factors such as physical safety, problems in the neighborhood, and neighbors and examine their links to children’s prosaically skills. The third environmental layer of the model in the exosystem consists of the contexts that children cannot a part of but does influence their development. For example, decisions by the school boards and parents’ workplaces do not include the child but may influence and impact the child’s development. A school board sets the educational policies that can relevant to the child reflective of exosystem influences. The school board would adopt a policy that states that children with disabilities go into special classes. This may affect that child’s academic and social progress. The policies do set by parents’ employers’ maybe impact a child’s development. Where parent’s leaves may not allow flexible work hours may not an option. Parents’ availability to their child can influence a child’s development (Fagan & Wise, 2001; Thomas & Grimes, 1995). The outer layer of the ecological model in the macrosystem layers composed of the cultural source that influences most of the child’s immediate experience but impacts the child through attitudes, practices, and convictions shared in society. The most distant or macro-level wealth of the nation or region and how the wealth distributed among the people. The variables can be more distant because there effects are more outrages. The individual and population level of the environmental predictor of health and developmental outcomes because some of the measure of relative affluences socio-economic status. According to the National Forum on Health: Determinants of Health Working Group Synthesis report (1997), child poverty, unemployment, youth underemployment, involuntary retirement, labor force restructuring, cuts in social programs, decreases in real income, income inequities, the disintegration of communities as we once knew them, single parenthood, and the ever-increasing pressures of work on families and all factors that determine population health. The more equitable a society, the more widely shared feelings of self-esteem and control, the more empowered its members, and the better overall health status. Conclusion, we have yet to confront the reality that the growing chaos in the lives of our children, youth, and families today simultaneously pervades too many of the principal settings in which we live our daily lives in the family, health care systems, child care arrangements, peer groups, schools, neighborhoods, the workplace, and means of transportation and communication between them.